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Susun is the voice of the Wise Woman Tradition. Every month she reads more than one hundred periodicals - from the strictly scientific to the edgy fringes - looking for the best, most reliable, most inclusive, and most up-to-date health information - just for you. Listen every month for wise advice on herbs and health to help reweave the healing cloak of the Ancients and reclaim herbal medicine as people's medicine. Studying herbal medicine since 1965, Susun, a multi-book author, writer and journalist also coordinates the activities of her Wise Woman Center. Her worldwide teachings include: herbal medicine, ethnobotany, pharmacognosy, psychology of healing, eco-herbalism, and women's health issues. Her venues are at medical schools, hospital wellness centers, naturopathic colleges, breast cancer centers, midwifery schools, shamanic centers and conferences. Susun's
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If you are interested in herbs for health assurance, health empowerment or just plain joyous health than this show will give you the secrets of herbs in the Wise Woman Way. To listen on-demand
or podcast CLICK on the Show. For on-demand: Player automatically appears.
01/02/2025 Cholesterol 12/05/2024 Hot Chocolate - Sleep and Weight 11/07/2024 Lemon Balm and Motherwort - Sleep and Depression
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